Click here for the Houston ENPC Calendar.
The ENPC 6th Edition teaches the accurate assessment of a child with an acute illness or injury that requires special knowledge and skills. ENA’s two-day Emergency Nursing Pediatric Course provides the core-level pediatric knowledge and psychomotor skills needed to care for pediatric patients in the emergency setting.
The course presents a systematic assessment model, integrates anatomy, physiology, and pathophysiology, and identifies appropriate interventions. ENPC is the only pediatric emergency nursing course written by pediatric nurse experts.
ENPC uses a variety of formats, including online learning, lectures, videos, group discussions, and hands-on skill stations, that encourage you to integrate your psychomotor abilities into a patient situation in a risk-free setting.
Topics include epidemiology, assessment, triage, respiratory emergencies, respiratory failure, shock, pediatric trauma, child maltreatment, neonatal emergencies, medical emergencies, crisis intervention, environmental issues, toxicological issues, ethical and legal issues, stabilization, and transport. Skills stations include airway/ventilation, position/securing, vascular access/medication administration, multiple pediatric trauma, pediatric resuscitation, and triage.
Price: $375.00
Textbook: $94.99